I practice the ancient Seiรฐr magic and walk the path of a Seiรฐkona . I will find the right Herb or incense for you or take you on a journey. I help you heal and walk through the door. I offer Rune readings, healing and energy work with Runes, tree and herbal spirits, vril.
I also offer place / site cleansing from energies, spirits, etc,
help connect to guardian spirits , Soul retrieval, Ancestral healing, healing of body, mind and soul, removing blockages, recharging with divine natural forces because everything is connected, activation of the self-healing powers.
Handfasting for Couples.
For details please email me.
Please note that I do energy, healing work or rune readings only after a personal or video conversation. I take what I do very serious. And I believe a personal contact is important for confidential work like this.
seidr1969@ gmail.com.