Welcome to my world of MMD!
Hello! I'm Paunn (Pronounced: Pheụ̄̀xn ;Thai: เพื่อน Meaning: Friend(s) ) but you can call me Tomoko!
My pronouns are she/her.
I made MMD videos on YouTube and upload them to this YouTube channel named tomoko!
・Projects: 【MMD★tomoko】
・This channel contains K-POP, J-POP, Vocaloids, etc.
・I can speak English, Thai, and a little bit of Japanese and Chinese.
・Almost every video I own nothing except my final rendered MMD videos and some motions I made.
・I always credit back to the owners of motions, stages, models, songs in each video I uploaded.
・I also have an official Instagram account “@tomoko.mmd.official”
・The main purpose of me creating this channel is for educational purpose to practice and experiment lighting in 3D.
・I support #humanrights #freedomofspeech #pride #lgbt #lgbtq #democracy #blacklivesmatter #stopbullying #stopbeingracist #asianlivesmatter and much more.