Friends! I am a clinical nutrition therapist, if you are suffering from any disease from cold, diabetes, cholesterol, kidney disease, heart disease, cough to cancer and are getting treatment from any pathy like allopathy, homeopathy, ayurveda, sidd hasta, yunani etc. . I prepare such a customized diet plan for you that speeds up your recovery process 100x without any side effects and with immediate effect you will have to reduce the dosage of medicine and will force your doctor to stop the medicine. The most important thing is that if you consult me before undergoing any surgery then there is a 90% chance that you will be saved from surgery. In case of heart blockage, there is not 100% but 1000% chance that you will not have to undergo surgery. On this channel you will learn such a lifestyle which will save you from the trap of doctors, drugs and diseases. If you are caught in this trap, I will help you get out of it.