This channel is designed to empower you to live your best life and live it through a lifestyle of faith. Our aspiration is to uplift, inspire, and empower our viewers by uploading spiritually empowered videos, bible studies, and prophetic messages as well as faith and business lifestyle vlogs. If there are video subject or title recommendations we ask that you to leave them in the comment boxes. You may also leave prayer requests in any video comment box and we will place your request on our prayer list.
You can also follow our facebook page and leave a prayer request there @ facebook.com/tedriadeniseministries
Instagram: @TedriaDeniseMinistries
Website: tedriadeniseministries.square.site
We really appreciate all of our viewers and supporters. We are limited alone, but together we can not only view monuments, we can build them. Let's Arise, Overcome, and be Victorious together. Amen.
Many Blessings to you all.
Prophetess Tedria Hunnecook
Tedria Denise Ministries