As of now, videos here are anything goes w/ stuff I do.
THIS IS NOT a Children's Channel.
When I'm waiting for Class or I came early and/or a person who set a meeting w/ me decided to come late, I stay at the Lobby of Buildings & watch the world go by. When this happens, my mind flies and gets Creative. This is where I got the Idea to call this, Channel "Lobby Works".
Uh yeah!
The videos you'll see here in this channel are Toy Reviews and happenings in my college, which is the University of The Philippines Los Baños (UPLB).
The type of TOY REVIEWS I do are raw videos, but I have a flow of the video already made before I make videos. Its like I'm talking in class as I report topic assigned to me.
The types of toy videos I do are:
-Bootleg/Fake/Knock-off Toy reviews
-Transformers & G.I.Joe
-Cheapo Toy Reviews
-Philippine toys
-Shopping Videos
-Toy demos of Legit stuff
By the way, when watching my videos, please view them with the Music on, so that the meaning wouldn't be lost.