Presenter Thomas J Milham
Because I suffer from Crohn's disease things in my channel Will change with how I feel. For instance I used to be in to flying RC hell but for a while now I have not been able to do that because of the pain and frequent stops to the restroom make it difficult to fly because running to the restroom you have an active RC hell is not a good idea. To add to that my new ailment and retinal vein occlusion in the right eye. Makes vision in the right I am very blurry I can only recognize shapes so my depth perception is just about gone. With that problem I've greatly increased my use of safety glasses.
Living on food stamps I do not have money to Buy new things and try them out for you on YouTube the money I get for items is from donations from viewers like you and money from items that I so for friends and family on eBay.
I tried to make videos that are entertaining our educational.
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