I first started out as a hypeman in my rap group Bend the rules (BTR). We began to progress like no other and started discovering that we were actually quite good. But then we stopped doing shows and everything went quiet. That time I was not writing my music just yet. I always felt that something like that would be impossible for me to do. But then the guys started holding studio sessions at my home. I started to slowly get addicted to the meetings. So much so that during my internship I would just listen music all day and ask for the sessions myself. Mind you I was not writing yet! Then my brother and my best friend received a gig at one the largest festivals in the Netherlands (Zwarte Cross), I thought to myself, you guys should start making tracks for me to perform on. By December Udi Mars came to my studio and said lets make a song. That song was Ungichele, that moment I began to realise I could do it too. I chose the name Be King, because of a specific idea I had.