Hey my name is miezivip and my favorite game of all time is Gacha life, Gacha Studio and Gachaverse! That's why I decided to record Gacha storys and upload them on my channel! My videos are UNIQUE and I try to make them as entertaining as possible! So if you want to see videos that aren't basic or as usual as others then you must make sure to subscribe to my channel!
Subscriber count! (thank you for every single subscriber! I love you!!!)
♡25.000 Subscribers - October 14th, 2018 (TYSM!!! I'M SHOOK! :333)
♡30.000 Subscribers - October 16th, 2018
♡40,000 Subscribers - October 22th 2018
♡50,000 Subscribers - February 2nd, 2019 ♡♡♡
♡100.000 Subscribers - September 22nd, 2019♡
♡200.000 Subscribers - ??? :OOO♡
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