I love nature, and watching wildlife. We recently replaced our owl boxes and added cameras (OwlDrive and OwlCorral.)
We patiently waited for the owls to come - they finally did.
We expected the same owls that had been raising babies for the last four years to come. However the two owls coming now are likely new, in particular the male. He is too young to have sired prior owls. The male, Sid, is young and smaller with a light chest. The female, Lucy, is larger, with a darker chest & more spots. Owls can breed as young as one year old.
We hope you enjoy these videos.
A special thanks to Neil with #ARKowlboxes, who created the very functional and artistic owl boxes, installed them, and has been available to answer my many questions.
All images and videos on this channel are original and proprietary and owned by DS Nathans (Nature Follower), and are protected to the fullest extent of copyright and any other applicable law.