This is the channel of NM Dan Heisman. It is devoted to chess instruction and helping the viewer improve his/her chess game. A video on how to navigate this channel is:
Dan has been a full-time chess instructor and author since 1996. He is a National Master (as titled by the US Chess Federation) and a FIDE CM. Dan is the author of 13 chess books including The World's Most Instructive Amateur Game Book, Everyone's 2nd Chess Book, Back to Basics: Tactics, The Improving Chess Thinker, Is Your Move Safe?, Looking for Trouble, Elements of Positional Evaluation, Tip Book and A Guide to Chess Improvement. He has had television and radio shows on and The Internet Chess Club. Dan started charities for women in need and junior chess at The Philadelphia Foundation. His website is, his Facebook page and his Chess Tip of the Day on Twitter is @danheisman (