My Main Influences: Thomas Hobbes, Niccolò Machiavelli, Emil Cioran, Robert Greene, Carl Von Clausewitz, David Benatar, Arthur Schopenhauer, Thomas Sowell, Philipp Mäinlander, Sun Tzu, Friedrich Nietzsche, etc.
"Nature and life aren't kind or cruel, merely pitilessly indifferent."
"Life is just a cycle of consumption, avoidance and deprivation, and in this cycle, other living beings suffer and the being suffers itself via deprivation."
"Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, the best thing would is to have never been born at all."
"The condition of man is a condition of war of all against all."
"Government is necessary, not because man is naturally bad... but because man is more individualistic than social."
"Life is that which creates the values of suffering and deprivation."
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Remember: "Fuck nature and the human species"