All videos are not owned by me.
All videos are owned by their respective companies.
Please do not download any of them as this will be against the law as you're breaking the copyright.
I am here to provide you guys with a better source of entertainment and videos. Please help me maintain this. If you know anyone that has been downloading videos that are copyrighted, please report to me, thanks.
If you like the videos I've uploaded, feel free to subscribe me or add me as a friend.
This is a second account to my account long long ago that has been suspended by youtube, stykut. The suspension is because I did not put up a notice like this to tell you guys what I am actually doing. So if any of you guys had uploaded videos that does not belong to you, please include a message in your descriptions or remove it in order to keep you account safe.
If you have subscribed me or added me as a friend, thanks! Hope you enjoy the videos I've uploaded!