in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
2 years ago today peoples lives were changed forever.
This is real guys! Damage from today’s tornado Deatsville/Lightwood community 01/12/2023
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Now that I am done with funeral arrangements and the holidays without my momma I am now working on the last videos to get them uploaded. Thank you to everyone who reached out to me with your condolences. I appreciate everyone giving me the time I needed to spend those last weeks with my momma and then try to process her no longer being here which I am still trying to process.
I hope everyone has a good evening tonight and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
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My mom lost her battle to cancer this morning. Please keep my family in your prayers as we say goodbye to my beautiful precious momma. She was the best Mimi ever and Heaven definitely gained the sweetest angel ever. Love on your mommas because you never know when you won’t have one to love on.
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As I’m sitting at the hospital with my momma I tried to focus on getting videos off my SD card and uploaded here. I’m sorry I just can’t focus on it long enough to get it done. I’m trying though. I have been able to get a couple done but it’s just the raw video and not much else to it, I normally like to add in at least a thumbnail or title or the names of the songs from the concerts but this time it’s just gonna be as it is off the SD card. I’m trying to go in order as they are on the card so it makes it easier for me. I want to get the parade and the Christmas concerts released before anything else. When my mom is awake I close all editing down and focus on spending time with her while I still can.
If you read all of that yall please say a prayer for my mom. She is in the hospital and we just really don’t know. Each moment we get with her is a blessing. Cancer isn’t anyone’s friend. Please send all the prayers possible for my mom and our family as we process this situation. My family and I appreciate it very much!
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I have videos that I haven’t even gotten off my SD card. We have been super busy and dealing with a lot recently. Please forgive me for not getting these videos uploaded. We are currently working on building a wheelchair ramp and I will do my best to at least get the concert videos uploaded over the weekend. I do have the parade and the last game or two to get done also. I still have a bunch of shorts videos to release and a couple more videos that I haven’t released yet either.
I do hope everyone has a Merry Christmas!
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Can’t wait to watch the Holtville Green Machine Band in tonight’s parade! These 2 are excited and ready to go!
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Helping to unload the band trailer at the playoff game! This guy worked hard even though he wasn’t feeling too good. He fell asleep before the band came into the stands and woke up not long after they got in the stands but it was enough of a nap to get him through the game! He decided after the game he just wanted in the truck because he started to not feel good again. If I would have known he wasn’t going to feel good we would have stayed home but it really hit him after helping to unload the equipment trailer. He was fine the next day after getting a couple breathing treatments and he was back to normal doing what he loves to do!
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This channel is mainly band related. You will see community things on here also or anything that might bring a smile to someone’s face. This world needs more happy people in it! This channel is to allow anyone to see some awesome band performances by some awesome band students from different schools but mainly the band that my child marches in! These videos will always be up for viewing purposes later on in life. I hope a young child will see these videos and want to be a part of the marching band when they get old enough to march!
Please keep the comments on the nice side and on topic. All comments go through me before being made public and I may not see them all for a few weeks just because I don’t always check each folder for the comments just because it’s too much.
Have a good day and smile, you never know who needs to see a friendly face or needs a new friend!