Hello everyone!!! My name is Elena, I am 58 years old, I live in Riga!
My channel is my world .. there are a lot of topics in this world .. chatterboxes, my favorite city is Riga, reviews of second-hand stores and mass market stores.vlogs .. budget shopping .. a little bit of all sorts of things ..)))))
link to DONAT www.donationalerts.com/r/elencik11
My second channel: JelenaLoveRiga Shop youtube.com/channel/UCHoG97624kNHcbiN2HZpddA
My channel: youtube.com/channel/UCsqfijrYd-p6eFoB9cBEWxA
My Instagram: www.instagram.com/jelenalovriga/?hl=ru
Thank you for watching..)))
Mail: elencik11@inbox.lv