in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
➤ English:
Hello and Welcome to MonsterSound.
I promote upcoming artists by uploading their music on our channel.
I promote their music in exchange that the music is mostly royalty/copyright free.
Want to send us your suggestion/music/demo's for promotion??
Or, are you an artist? feel free to contact us!
Check out our Philips Hue Website:
Monstersounds is runned by 1 Dutch guy: Daan van Zeijl.
I arrange/regulate and upload the music.
And provides the promotion work and other channel related things.
➤ Nederlands:
Hallo en welkom bij MonsterSounds.
ik promoot opkomende artiesten door hun muziek te uploaden op ons kanaal.
In ruil voor deze promotie bieden wij de muziek aan als meestal royalty/copyright vrij.
Wil jij mij jouw demo's/suggesties/muziek sturen om gepromote te worden?
Of ben je een artiest? Neem gerust contact op!
Mail ons op: