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Johanna Pilates

2.4K subscribers - no pronouns :c

Hello and welcome to Johanna Pilates! I’ll be sharing small

Full length Pilates classes now out 🙌#pilates#pilatesonline#pilatesclasses Wine on the reformer 🍷 #pilates Some of my favorite Pilates moves in 2024 #pilates#pilatesexercises#pilatesequipment A few post Xmas moves on the reformer #pilates#pilatesclass#reformerpilates Pilates down stretch on one heavy spring.#pilates #pilatescore #reformerpilates Holiday bridging on the reformer #pilates#bridging #reformerpilates Reformer long box series. One medium spring 🙌. #reformerpilates #pilates #pilatesflow Holiday planking with the box 🎄 #pilates#reformerworkout #plank Holiday moves on the reformer #pilates #pilatesworkout#moveyourbody Jingle all the way. Grab a ball and go 🎄#reformerworkout #pilates#pilatesworkout Three heavy springs with constant tension on those handles 🔥 #reformer#pilates#reformerpilates Smooth moves with the dowel rod. One heavy spring. #pilatesreformer #reformer#moveyourbody No springs, no problem! #pilates#reformerworkout #pilatesreformer Side bend ❤️. One light spring. #pilates#reformerworkout #reformer Magic circle Monday! #pilates#reformerworkout#reformer Dowel rod threaded through footstraps. One heavy and light spring. #reformer#pilates#reformerworkout Hamstrings on fire 🔥 #pilatesreformer #hamstrings #pilates Extension with a twist. One medium spring. #pilates#reformer#moveyourbody A little fun with the ball 😉. #reformer#reformerpilates#pilates#fitball Try this series on one medium spring. #reformer#pilates#reformerworkout Grab your box and one medium spring #pilatesreformer #reformer #reformerworkout It’s tough 😳. The lightest spring you’ve got! #reformerworkout #pilates#mondaymotivation Unilateral mashup on the reformer. Lightest spring you have. #pilates#reformer#pilatesexercises Friday fun with the ball - one medium spring #pilates#reformer#fridaymotivation Reformer Star variation on the box. One medium spring. #pilates#reformer#reformerpilates Cool reformer moves on a medium spring. #pilates#reformer#pilatesreformer Here’s to Friday! Cheers 🍷#pilates #reformerworkout #winelovers Love the song, love the moves. #reformer#pilates#armsworkout Lateral flexion with some 🔥. #fitnesslife #pilates #reformerexercises Now THIS is challenging! One heavy spring. #pilates#pilatesreformer#pilatesequipment Taking a reformer “stroll” on no springs 🙌. #pilates#reformerworkout#plank Rolling into a new week. Pilates ball on one medium spring. #pilates#pilatesball#reformerworkout Single arm, side lying series at the springboard. #pilates#springboard#pilatesworkout Climb a tree variation on one medium spring - strap around thigh. #pilates#pilatesvideo#reformer Give this reformer/box combo a go! One medium spring on. #pilates#pilatesreformer#justmove Give me three cheers for Pilates 📣! #pilates#reformer#upperbodyworkout Saturday series with the Pilates pole - one medium spring #pilates#reformer#stretch Dowel rod arm series on the reformer. One medium spring. #pilates#pilatesexercises#pilatesreformer Flowing on one blue/medium spring #reformerpilates#pilatesworkout#mondaymotivation Coordination challenge on the springboard #pilates #springboard #coordination Great series to an even greater song 🔥 #pilates #pilatesreformer #pilatesflow Try this 🔥series on one medium spring. #pilates #pilatesreformer #reformerworkout Springboard arm series on this summer eve #springboard #pilatesworkout #pilates Saturday session moving on one heavy spring. #pilates #reformer #reformerworkout A favorite to do and teach! On one light spring. #pilatesreformer #pilates #reformerpilates Give this a try on one medium spring. #reformerpilates #pilates #reformer Here’s to summer AND planking 🤗. #pilatesworkout #reformerpilates #plank Reformer plank series with box. #plank #pilates #reformerpilates