Welcome to Badpixel Inc.'s YouTube Channel.
Badpixel inc is a video content shop based in Toronto Canada, established in 2013. Over the years, we've created tons of different types of content from live action to animation and CG for nearly 100 brands.
In our downtime, we love to throw ourselves into DIY projects. It's how we built our entire studio! Since being established, we've built everything from workstations and render farms, to arcade machines and PPE equipment. When we started out, our projects were purely utilitarian. We would build devices and equipment we needed to create whatever content we wanted to tackle. Documenting the process was never a priority until very recently. As we go, we'll be trying to post more and more of our maker adventures.
We hope you enjoy the channel enough to get involved by subscribing, sharing our content and joining the conversations by offering suggestions on how we can improve our designs and builds!