October is National Bullying Prevention Month!
Openly talking about bullying before it happens is the best way for people to learn how to recognize and react to bullying, regardless of who is the victim because people on both sides of bullying incidents need help. Bullying should not be ignored; this includes bullying that makes others feel excluded and shunned because bullying behaviors should never be considered a normal part of growing up. If you witness bullying, intervene and speak up. Make it clear that bullying of any kind, for any reason, is unacceptable.
If you have been the victim of bullying, of any kind, it is not your fault. Please do not suffer in silence because there are people who can help: www.overcomebullying.org/bullying-support-groups.h…
Join the Bully Free Zone on facebook:
To submit a privacy complaint on YouTube: www.google.com/support/youtube/bin/answer.py?hl=en…