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17 subscribers - no pronouns :c

Hiii I'm Alisha and I just want to make videos that make peo

#trend #triedit #idontknowwhattoputhere Latest on trend but 30 SECONDS is CRAZY🤯 It's raining ✨️SNOW✨️ #winterspecial #memes #hedgehog #dance #hedgehoglover #funny #hedgehogsanctuary #cute #triedit 😭iM ✨️BrOkE✨️ (original) Funny my sis no good at being customer 🤣 I mean by mint, my turn to be worker sis ! Playing pt is neeeext!! Imma their what a shame😞🤣🤣🤣 Pt3 waiting for pt4! I totally did not steal..... again•u• Pt2 is here! Pt3 coming soooon Pt2 coming soon! Bruh #triedit #trend #fingertrend #girlyaddition It still upsets me till this day #trend #triedit #triedmybest #noclue #nodrama Fake collab with @Vania743on #duet #triedit #collab #join #acting #challenge #funny #join #trend #triedmybest Me no Richie richie😭🥲😞sadly but at least I have a happy family 😀 #trend #crush #everywhere erm yeah he/her is shorter than me btw I'm giving no clues who it is 😳😊💀✨️ Yt said it couldn't be done "I got you all figured out" bc why not and it all over my fyp #transition #trend #tried Not happening greensreen kids #memes #trends #dontusemytagpls #cantescape I couldn't resist yall #duet #emoji #tried #tooksolong #itried #idontknowwhattoputhere still bad at edits•~• #sprunki #Duet #join #Grey #wenda #grud join plz! Duet with @Stare_ZSP :) #duet #join #roblox #robloxfaces "Your short"#memes Keep it going!! Samsung A15 zoom✨️✨️✨️✨️ #peppapeppa #peppapig #funny #cartoon #peppapigmemes friend fight Fr tho #funny :D Fake collab for 😁 Join! 2 spots left #duet #cute #memes #emojicat #greenscreen Perfect loop Do the numbers with the beat! You try! Btw it was kinda easy ^u^ #cute #emoji join? Join pls! #emojicat #duet Duet 2 spaces left! Collaboration!!! Ummmmm I totally did not 😀✨️tehhe I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry Pls fore give me PLeAse PLeAse PLeAse 😭 Wooooow such a wonderful name wooooow 🫤🤨 Yes I can fly😊 #fairy #fairycore #fairyvibes Fake jump tutorial:) lateset on trend I'm flying! My baby #tried don't pause at end ok? ●`uˊ● #emojis #tried #tried #gacha #pausing challenge