www.verfassungsschutz.d e
Scientology has been thriving due to bent coppers, bent ministers and Government officials and lawyers into a bigger con behind a con.It's insidious and it very literally changes the way you view everything around you. The arrogant, exclusive, blind submissive excitement - I can't even begin to describe it! May be you can see it ,here!
Alex Jones, police state, infowar, new world order, eugenics, vaccinations, fiat currency, federal reserve, police brutality, gun confiscation, global elite, globalism, 9/11, truthers, inside job, WTC demolition, Endgame, Terrorstorm, Truth Rising,David Icke,Nazis,US Empire,New 4th Reich,KKK,Obama,Scientology,Ha cker,Anonymous,
Cat-"HAcker",Japan,China corruption with USA,...