Subscribe that would help me a lot. Try to get me to 30 subscribers in june-july and try 70 subscribers to aug. It would make me so happy! 100 subs would be my goal this year because my other channel got deleted by Google. Because I wasn't 13. And that channel got to 30 subs in a year/2 years. The fantastic kaiden and skyla movie was kinda bad. But my friends couldn't wait for it to. But I changed schools and they ccause. But I don't I'm like the most hated kid but my friends don't act like friends. But true friends are Cameron, grace, sylis, and my kid from my other school and Peyton as you know from fart wars. I hope this youtube channel makes you happy but see you next time in a cat by the way cats are my favorite. And you are my favorite people if your name is guy then shut up because he's my enemy in real life and I have to sit next to him all day, also he loves boy weird right. Grace is my best friend in the entire world. But the biggest bully is Karter, mianora and guy-person.