A in depth look into pionex and step by step videos on how to use the bots and tools pionex offers to maximize your trading profits.
Pionex is an exchange designed for the trading bot. Great liquidity which aggregates from multiple other exchanges, 10 trading bots built-in, and very low trading fee - 0.05%. Join with me today 👉 www.pionex.com/en-US?r=5mpBuEiM
Chats im in:
Telegram Groups:
t.me/pionex The pionex learning and beginners chat room
t.me/pionexen the official pionex chat room.
Beware scammers anyone that messages you first on telegram treat as a scammer, the admins will ask you to message them in group chat so either tell your problem in group and let us help you there or msg a admin and then chat with them.
Discord Groups: digitalb23#0466 my discord
Gravychasers discord.gg/E3AgeF Fun group to talk crypto with and to meet like minded people in the space.
BitcoinHypers discord.gg/utarty Tech Analysts