in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Dearest all, it's been a while since I took a break from YouTube to focus on my healing business (Excitingly, I've expanded to the Chinese market!). During this time, I've also been traveling extensively to spend quality moments with friends and family, making up for lost time during COVID🙏🏻
Now, I'm thrilled to announce my comeback! Get ready for a wave of inspiring content on healing and inner growth! Your support means the world to me, and I can't wait to reconnect with all of you in 2024💖
Love & peace💛🫶🏻
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Thoughts may swirl, emotions may surge, but remember that you are not your mind. Observe without attachment, question your stubborn limiting beliefs, and consciously choose empowering thoughts. Embrace your power as the master of your reality. You hold the brush to paint your life's canvas with vibrant hues of possibility & growth.
P.S. New videos coming soon next week😘
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Unconditional love is the purest form of love, a love that is given freely and without reservation💛
However, it is important to understand that unconditional love does not mean unconditional tolerance. It is possible to love someone unconditionally while still setting boundaries and standing up for yourself.
Boundaries are necessary for a healthy relationship, and they help to protect both parties involved. Without boundaries, love can become toxic & harmful. I’ve seen this happened in many of my clients.
Unconditional love is about accepting someone for who they are, flaws and all. It is about being there for them when they need you, and supporting them through their struggles.
Yet it does not mean tolerating behavior that is harmful or disrespectful. It is possible to love someone while still holding them accountable for their actions. It is important to set boundaries and communicate your expectations in any relationship, whether it is with a friend, family member, or romantic partner.
So, how can you love unconditionally?
💛1. Loving yourself is the first step to loving others in the same way. Accept yourself for who you are, know your worth, and extend that same acceptance and love to others.
💛2. Communicate openly and honestly. It is important to communicate your needs and boundaries in any relationship. Be honest about your feelings and expectations, while still showing compassion and understanding.
💛3. Practice forgiveness. Forgiveness is an essential part of unconditional love. It allows us to let go of the past and move forward with love and compassion. Forgiveness does not mean that we forget or condone harmful behavior, but rather that we release ourselves from the burden of anger and resentment.
Comment 💛💛💛 below if this inspires me so I can create more contents that can help you heal & overcome your emotional distress.
💌 Should you struggle with loving yourself or others due to past trauma/ experience, please DM me “Heal” to learn more how my healing sessions can help you to love with ease.
#youcanbehealed #energyhealing #unconditionallove #healyourpast #emotionalhealing #emotionalwellnessmatters #energyhealingpractitioner #healyourheart #mindsetshifts
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Nothing ever goes away until it has taught us what we need to know. When we don’t learn from the situation, things can keep happening, that’s what I call patterns or cycles🙌🏻
Emotional wounds that you thought were healed can burst open again when you get triggered, such as break up or when under stress.
Here’s the thing, many of my clients, and I believe many of you too have subconscious habit to just run away from your issues or pain without knowing it. Your mind may tell you it’s easier to hide than to face it…
But what happen is, those wounds would never healed if you never learned the lessons you were meant to learn. The patterns keep looping & then you keep asking yourself why the same situations keep happening to you over & over again?
You maybe able to run away from your wounds, but you can’t run away from your own insecurities, self-doubt & the repeating situations.
That’s why healing is so important. Because it helps you see what you can’t see by yourself. It helps you learn what you don’t know so you can move forward with ease. And it helps you to let go what no longer serves your future & realize the power within you to create a brand new future your heart desires.
Once you learn the lessons you meant to learn, that’s the moment you can break your patterns👐🏻
I’ve witnessed hundreds of my clients’ life shifted in a short period of time once they’ve learned their lessons. Their life changed beautifully. Whether is their relationship, career, health or finances. Their manifestations come much faster once they healed.
Remember that you are not your past. You're not what people have done to you. But what you CHOOSE to become now and moving forward.
💌Ready to heal your past & claim your power back? DM me “1 on 1” on my IG for my 1:1 Emotional Healing or Manifestation sessions. Let me help you shift your life from the inside out 👉🏻
#youcanbehealed #emotionalhealing #healingfromtheinsideout #emotionalhealthmatters #healyourpast #healyourlife #healyourheart #healingisajourney #thetahealer #thetahealing #emotionalhealthcoach #createyourownreality #learnandgrow #healandgrow #youdeservebetter #letgoofthepast
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Suppressing negative emotions is our common coping mechanism to push away negative emotions.
It normally occur due to growing up in an environment where we were not taught nor given chances to experience & express how we felt.
For example, you may have been raised by parents who intentionally or unintentionally invalidated your negative emotions through messages such as ‘stop crying,’ ‘be strong’, ‘be grateful’, ‘keep calm’s etc or even shouted/neglected you when you were crying or being emotional😢
So as children, we internalize the messages we hear & learn that having or expressing our negative emotions is not a good thing. A child whose feelings were ignored, invalidated, neglected, or was criticized or punished is more likely to repress their emotions as an adult.
Just like a physical wound may fester & become infected if left untreated, the accumulation of unaddressed emotions can lead to severe stress, anxiety, depression, other mental & relationship issues🙌🏻
It’s not always easy to recognize when you’re dealing with emotional repression, as it’s often a subconscious habit. However, here are some common signs that you are suppressing your emotions:
You might:
👉🏻Feel nervous, down, or stressed & you are not sure why;
👉🏻Feel unease or uncomfortable when other people share their feelings with you;
👉🏻Have tendency to hide or shift your feelings when feel unease or upset;
👉🏻Easy to get triggered or feel emotional;
👉🏻Spend lots of your time with other people to avoid being alone…
Can you relate to any of the above? For more tips to deal with your negative emotions, please subscribe to my YouTube here for more new contents coming up next week 👉🏻
💌DM me on my IG to inquire my 1:1 professional emotional healing or manifestation coaching service 👉🏻
#youcanbehealed #emotionalhealing #thetahealer #emotionalhealthmatters #emotionalhealthcoach #emotionalhealthawareness #shiftyourmindset #mindsetshifts #mindsetshifting #mindsetcoachforwomen #breakthepattern #thoughtpatterns #selfconcept #emotionalregulation #emotionalintelligencecoach
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Have you ever asked yourself why people keep treating you the same way?
I have worked with many clients, especially in the area of romantic relationships. They often ask me why they keep attracting the same type of partners who keep behaving in ways that hurt them.
There are times your partner may unintentionally hurt you & there are also times that you may do the same. Yet in a healthy relationship, you can talk openly & honestly about your feelings & come up with a loving solution on how to handle things going forward.
If your partner is aware that they are hurting you but they continue to do it regardless of how it impacts you. Then you need to have an honest conversation with yourself & ask yourself what healthy boundaries are you setting in your relationship?
Here’s the thing, when you keep wondering why it keeps happening, what you are really doing is avoiding responsibility for why you are allowing them to treat you that way?
We teach people how to treat us, based on what we choose to put up with. And often that’s coming from our belief systems on how we perceive our self-worth in the relationships we are in.
For example👇🏻
Do you feel you are worthy of love?
Do you love yourself enough to put yourself first?
Do you feel insecure when you are in love?
Do you believe there’s true love?
Do you believe you deserve love?
Do you believe you are good enough to have that relationship you want?
Do you believe you have to sacrifice yourself to exchange love?
And more…
Many people focus on changing someone else’s behavior, which is hard to do, because people are simply reflecting how we treat & see ourselves inside.
If you want to change how people/your partner treat you, firstly, change how you treat yourself & stop tolerating or settling for less than you deserve.
💌Want to take your loving relationship to the next level & stop the unhealthy patterns? DM me “LOVE” on my Instagram to get a special discount & details on my “Healing Your Relationship” sessions 👉🏻
#youcanbehealed #emotionalhealing #healthyrelationshipgoals #healyourheart #healyourselffirst #lovehealing #loveconsciousness #subconsciousbeliefs #healyourlife #selflovefirst❤️ #lovefreely
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We all have emotions, and we can’t stop them. Yet what we can do is learn to master them, observe them & choose which emotions we want to connect with.
Sometimes emotions can be so very overwhelming, and I often see my clients ignoring & suppressing their emotions as if they do not exist. I would never suggest anyone to ignore or suppress their negative emotions, cause they will only come back stronger & heavier.
Here are 3 tips to help you deal with your negative emotions:
💛1. Feel them in your body. When we encounter negative emotions, our body will react to it. Close your eyes and take few deep breaths, then scan your body from the top to bottom, feel where’s the heaviness in your body? Describe the feeling.
💛2. Sit with your feelings. You will be surprised when you don’t ignore your emotions or feelings, they will quickly dissipated. You may not feel comfortable in the beginning, it will take time to practice, but it can give you a sense of control & power when you allow yourself to face & accept your emotions.
💛3. Name and describe your emotions/feelings. Instead of saying I Am angry, I Am frustrated, I Am sad, use I FEEL. Because you are not your emotions, so stop using I AM. Use I feel angry, I feel sad, I feel frustrated etc…
When you use I FEEL, you separate yourself from your emotions & not making them a part of your identity, you will start to feel your negative emotions such as anger or sadness will lost their power.
Remember that our emotions are like waves. They rise & fall every day. And most importantly, you do not have to surf on every emotion, some waves you can just observe & let them pass.
When you have decided which wave you are going to surf, do it gracefully & in full awareness.
There are no bad or good waves, they come & go with the tide, it is up to you to decide which wave to surf to get you where you want to be🫶🏻
If you have any heavy emotions that can’t be resolved by yourself, DM me for my healing & coaching services. Or check out my 31 Days emotional healing journal workbook on Amazon here👉🏻
#youcanbehealed #emotionalhealing #emotionalhealthmatters #emotionalwellbeing #innerwellness
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I want to upload more valuable contents that can help you shift your life for the better, can you please help let me know what kind of topic that you are most interested in?
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What you seek is seeking you🙌🏻 And the question that I get asked often from my clients is: “If that’s the case, why I am still not getting what I want?”
First of all, one of the biggest blocks that is preventing you from getting what you want is your limiting beliefs. They are the biggest reason why we are not bringing our desires into our reality.
Second, many people are so get used to living from the negative thoughts/state, you can’t have what you want if you are constantly living from the negative state. That’s the LAW.
You 3D reality is the reflection of your beliefs. When you consciously want to have something, but subconsciously you don’t believe you deserve it, or its hard to have it, your dominant negative thought will always win! Yet that’s not your fault, that’s how the way we were taught since childhood…
No one has ever taught us that we can create the life we love, everyone is living in others else’s expectations. Sadly that becomes patterns, in majority of people’s lives…
So I’m here to remind you, everything you desire, it’s already pre-existed for you! What you need to do is to remove the blocks, reprogram your subconscious beliefs so you don’t keep living from the negative state, then out of a sudden, things show up & you will be so surprised what you desire has always been there!
I am speaking from my own experiences as I have been practicing manifestation since 2007, 16 years of lots of trail & error and today, I have manifested so many things in my life that totally blew my mind. I combine a very unique technique of Theta/Emotional Healing to help my clients bring their heart’s desires into this 3D reality fast & with ease.
Remember that you have a full control of your thoughts, emotions, and your life. Time to reconnect to your inner power & create the life you truly love to live.
Now I am running a special promotion for a 1:1 private Manifestation Coaching session, click the link here & book your session👉🏻…
I look forward to bringing your desires to the reality.
#youcanbehealed #manifestationcoaching #createyourreality #youarethecreator #lifecoachinghappiness #youdeservethebest #healyourpast
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Healing is a process that happens in layers. But the more whole and healed we become, the healthier our relationships will be💛
It happens very often to my clients when they are healed, some people will suddenly disappear from their life, especially if they have been in an unfulfilling or toxic relationships, something suddenly happened that cause the break up. Or the client will suddenly want to end the relationship as they have realized what they truly deserve after they are healed.
A lot of people carry their unresolved trauma from their past into their relationships without knowing it. Then it projects through their expressions and the way they treat their partner, those are unhealed people.
If you are in an unfulfilling relationship but still choose to stay, that means part of you is unhealed, otherwise you will not tolerate being treated less than what you deserve.
Our deepest wounds often come from childhood. They affect significantly the way we see the world, ourselves, our relationships, and what we think we deserve.
Old wounds are in our subconscious & they set to work when something in the present moment triggers old memories that are attached to old pain. When this happens, we react to the new situation as though it’s an old one. When we react to the old wounds, we reliving in the past, then we keep attracting the same relationship with different people but end up having the same result. That’s what we call patterns.
To break the patterns, we must look inward, heal from within, as the outer world is a reflection of what’s going on inside of us & our deep-rooted unconscious belief systems.
I would like to invite you to join my 8-Week 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐒𝐡𝐢𝐟𝐭 𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐈𝐧𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐎𝐮𝐭” 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬 that I am going to take you dive into a deep self-love & awareness healing journey to help you address, break & heal your stubborn patterns in your relationships, finances & career. Your life will never be the same after that 8 weeks.
Check out the link the details here👉🏻
#youcanbehealed #healingisajourney #healingisaprocess #emotionalhealing #oldwounds #thetahealing #healyourpast #traumahealingjourney
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Greetings, everyone! I'm Connie, an Emotional Healer & Inner Alignment Coach.
My mission is to assist you in bridging outer success with inner happiness & shift your life from the inside out. I specialize in helping individuals heal their emotional struggles, transform limiting beliefs & align their mindset with their highest passion, purpose & potential so they can build a life filled with joy & manifest extraordinary experiences that they genuinely love.
On this channel, I'm dedicated to empowering you to overcome negative emotions, reprogram deep-rooted limiting beliefs, shift your paradigm & cultivate greater emotional awareness & consciousness.
Through regular episodes posted every week, I offer valuable insights, practical techniques, and my personal experience to guide you on your journey. Thank you from the depth of my soul for joining this shift from the inside-out journey.
I'm sending you all boundless love and light. 💛
Connie xx