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You’ve got to Fight For Your Joy!! A day in the life of Joy! Faith filled inspiration.. I like to sing a variety of music covers.. Smule Videos sound great with Headphones 🎧
I love Soaking in the mighty Presence of God with the Holy Spirit and creating freestyle worship songs. I’m beginning to write some of my own music lyrics and sharing new songs.. I enjoy creative singing and worshiping Yeshua Hamashiach, Jesus Messiah, my Lord and Savior..
I’m not a professional singer, and at times I’m not able to even sing.. I deal with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome, POTS and Hypovolemia, which is low blood volume/oxygen and less of an ability for oxygenation to happen quick enough to get into my lungs and my brain to supply the much-needed breath to sing.. So I cherish any opportunities I have to sing to The Lord and share with you..
God Loves you! Many Blessings in Jesus name..