What do you use to screen record/edit videos with?: I use both Camtasia version 8.6 and Wondershare Filmora 9.
Why does your voice sound like that?: Due to the Woozworld rules, I have to edit my voice when posting Woozworld videos. You aren't allowed to post videos using your real voice, or showing your real face.
Can I be in a video?: Actually I get asked this question a lot! Almost every time I talk to one of you guys! Too many people ask me this, so its very hard to do. I can't have all of you be in a video!
Can we be friends?: Yes! I'm friends with almost all of you guys that I come into contact with on Woozworld! Please ask me to accept your friend request.
How do you have so much beex?: I have multiple videos on how to get beex, feel free to search them up!
Can you buy me stuff/give me beex?: Unfortunately, no. I get people asking and begging me all the time. I wish I could but I can't give stuff to everyone!
PFP by Suffix on Woozworld
Suffix Wooz TV