There, I said it. I’m an athlete and I want to get better and surprise myself. I love life and I enjoy meeting people, hopefully inspiring them to try new things and surprise themselves.
Things I often say:-
“Not many people can do that”
“You’re only here once”
“Yes, you can”
“Never give up”
It works for me!
I love exercise and how it makes me feel and have found running and exercise in general to open up a whole new world. Even though I’d been a mountain biker and swimmer for 10 years, I started running in 2019 at Warrington Parkrun – and I was hooked. And since then, I’ve progressed to competitive events including 5Ks, 10Ks, an 8K trail race, a sprint triathlon and even a half marathon in Manchester in 2024, something I thought was beyond me. And I haven’t finished yet…! Along the way, I’ve met people who have become firm friends and I’ve also travelled overseas to run, the Prom Classic 10K in Nice and the Geneva 10K in Switzerland. Please join me and be inspired:)