in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Hallo meine Lieben,
schaut doch mal bei Lorelina vorbei. Sie hat mit Gesche einige neue Lieder aufgenommen.
Hello my friends,
Take a look at Lorelina. She recorded some new songs with Gesche.
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I've been out with my hiking group for the last few weeks. Channel members already have access to our best recordings of evening singing in the lonely cabin.
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Seit dem Jahr 1958 gibt es das "Liederbuch der Bundeswehr". Hier abgebildet ist der Nachfolger "Hell klingen unsere Lieder" aus den 70er Jahren, das wiederum mit leichten Veränderungen im Inhalt von "Kameraden singt!" in den 90er Jahren abgelöst wurde. 2017 wurde die weitere Verbreitung verboten und schließlich 2018 ersatzlos gestrichen. Schon zu meiner Bundeswehrzeit 2009-2010 gab es keine Liederbücher und singen war auch schon zu dieser Zeit stark verpöhnt. Als junger Soldat, der schon vor dem Militärdienst alle bekannten Marschlieder rauf und runter singen konnte, war das sehr ernüchternd. Evtl. werde ich das Liederbuch bei einem Live-Stream mal vorstellen.
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New live recording of the spring event of my singing and hiking group. Already available for channel members.
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New live recording of the spring event of my singing and hiking association. Already available for channel members.
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Hello my dear friends,
here is some current information for those who want to voluntarily help finance the channel through donations.
Ko-Fi is no longer available and the crypto addresses have changed.
There are currently these options for support. :
⚫Paypal: (Your donation arrives 1 to 1 without any fees)
⚫Patreon: (Fees, it's better to use Paypal straight away. I never publish donor names.)
⚫YouTube Membership:
⚫The Karl Sternau supporter mug:…
⚫Karl Sternau on Spotify:…
⚫Bitcoin: bc1qj v4mn 5yfl yc7t 3mnk sek3 lhdz ja0q hufa trrlp
⚫Etherum: 0x89 dE8b 7758 aa13 4086f 3429 070f 25CB B9e7 377D3
⚫Litecoin: 0x388 FE3c 2C7F 375e 5431 3c3D 59fd 802a B496 d91bC
If you have other offers of support or requests that would be honored, please email me:
I would like to thank all my supporters who continue to motivate me to keep running the channel despite censorship, strikes and shadow bans.
455 - 6
Education channel for music history
I and / or my cooperation partners own the copyright to all songs that I and / or one of my cooperation partners have made. This includes the right to be named. So if you publish one or more songs, my / our name should be pinned in the comment column!
In principle, any use of my songs and videos in connection with pornographic, anti-democratic, racist and / or inhuman content or content directed against our liberal-democratic basic order is excluded and prohibited.