Welcome to FLEX Fitness Center,
Here are 11 Reasons Why Our Competition Hates Us but You will to Love Us... Compare if you like, we're the Real Deal!
We're OPEN 24 Hours a Day, EVERY DAY, Never Miss a Work-out, even on a Holiday and Never Wait in the parking lot for somebody to Show Up and "Open"
Our Location is super Convenient, Get In, Get Fit, Get On With Your Day!
Our Prices are a great VALUE and we offer NO HASSLE Agreements. Do you really want to Non-Negotiably Commit 12 or 24 Months to Anything???
We have LOTS of Equipment, Over 120 pieces of PRO Grade Fitness Gear, you Do Not want to be Bored with the limited equipment in some "strip mall" gym!
Great Team of Friendly Fitness Experts, we've got the Best of the Best in Exercise and Holistic Lifestyle Coaching, the Fitness Magazines come to Us!
Local Family Owned since 1985, that's 25 Years, No "Corporate B.S." here!
FLEX isn't "new," but Wow, is it Clean and Well Organized, we're "Neat Freaks"
We have an Atmosphere and Culture that support Success and Goal Achievement, "Can't fly with the Eagles if you wallow with the Turkeys"!
We offer a Money Back Guarantee; if you're not happy we'll make it right.
We've just completed a Member Survey and received 100% Positive responses to all areas measuring Member Satisfaction; we have among the Highest Member Satisfaction Ratings of all the Health Clubs in America!
FLEX has been recognized by BodyBuilding.com as one of the elite training centers on the Planet, our "little, Holland, MI" gym is on this short list with Gold's Gym in Venice Beach, Metroplex in Dallas, and Temple Gym in England!
We hope to see you at FLEX soon, as a Member!