Akhanda Karnataka Pyramid Dhyana Bangalore is YOUTUBE Channel.
Motto of the channel is to spread #Ana-Pan- Sati Meditation and Spirituality all over the world.
It promotes Meditation Vegetarianism, usage of Pyramids.
Sessions are being conducted on-Line. Zoom about spiritual realities Broadcasting on-line YouTube. Also every day #Morning at 5 AM to 7 AM. This channel helps in transforming Many lives. Many People come out of their Mental, Physical illness.
Energy 🔄 Consciousness 🔄 Wisdom
Spiritual health is a Root .
Physical health is a fruit.
Zoom Link : us02web.zoom.us/j/9344985666?pwd=Y283T1RjVE8wck5xZ…
Meeting ID : 934 498 5666
Pass Code. : 111
To Join WhatsApp group: chat.whatsapp.com/FBbrt1G1GEb64qjEMzYfTh
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