in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
My fellow Americans, I encourage all of you to take a stand against the corrupt business and government officials in this country! And stop allowing the government to do the parenting work for you!
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I'm like legit sick of seeing all this "villain arc" stuff. Like, injustices to you don't justify you turning to the dark side. That's just what they want you to do.
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The only way to heal our country is to stop the political division! A house divided against itself cannot stand!
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Project 2025 is a terrible idea and we need to do everything it our power to ensure it doesn't happen! Why is it a terrible idea? Because for one, it's trying to take away women's rights to abortions. Which as unpleasant as it sounds is necessary in some cases. It's also trying to take away women's right to vote! Which Susan B. Anthony fought so hard to achieve and didn't even live to see happen!
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What is it with YouTube genre slander? Like, people hating on gaming channels, storytime animators, product reviewers, etc. Like, the site is called YOUtube, as in "Post whatever you want", not "only post certain types of videos".
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Anyone else feel inclined to unsubscribe from someone the moment they make a ukulele non-apology video?
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Being a social chameleon is never a good idea. Because you develope fears of friend groups not liking the real you, and you could lose your real self.
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YouTube has the Book of Randicus on sale as a movie, and Randy Feltface has the same act on his official YouTube channel for free. What the buck?
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Hi guys, I just like posting videos, if you have any ideas in mind, feel free to share them here. But if you say any hateful things here, I will block you.