Welcome to Circle C Ranch!
It’s a beautiful thing when you can survive because of your skill set while performing DIY homestead projects.
My family purchased this little slice of heaven on earth about 20 years ago and have been slowly working on it ever since. We are ramping up the intensity of the projects now because we are living the RV lifestyle in our oldest Sons back yard. We are working feverishly on getting a water system built around our spring house. See the multi part spring house build series on this channel. I am pretending to be a stone Mason as I build a stone spring house over the fresh water mountain spring. Then I will have to get a shop roof put up so I can mount our solar system panels and have a dry place to put the inverter and batteries. We will still have a horse barn to build, logs to mill into lumber on our band mill, gardens to plant, cultivate and harvest. Fruit trees to care for. Pastures to build. A greenhouse to build. The list is never ending.