It's A Frequency Thing "Where Desire Connects With Frequency!"
Vibrational Frequency is described as the rate at which your body cells vibrate and oscillate. Cells that vibrate at a higher frequency are super healthy, energized, and it reflects how we feel and most of the time how we behave.
💎 For Example:
432 Hz can increase concentration, aids in stress reduction, and helps promote deep states of relaxation. It also can help the release of emotional blockage while supporting the healing process.
The Grasshoppers can only jump forward never backwards or sideways. It also symbolizes NEW BEGINNINGS, TRANSFORMATION, and PROSPERITY!
This channels was created to help you tune into the correct frequency to help you achieve whatever you're striving for.
What you can expect
-Binaural Beats- Enhance Sleep/Mood/Decreased Anxiety
-Ambient- Enhance Mental State
-Soundscapes- Productivity/Focus
-Mysterious Solfeggio- Healing Of Trauma/Negative Thoughts