⭐️catsforbuddies⭐️ 🫐Blueberry🫐
Blueberry pets- [🌹]Rosie[🌹] a horse powers:super strength [🌻]Layla[🌼🌻]a baby pig powers is super
Big sister irl:@dollsforbuddies
My pets:
[⚡️]Lola[⚡️] a panda powers is thunder and mind reading
[⭐️]mari[⭐️]a raccoon powers moon dust star dust and mind control
[🍃]august[🍃 raccoon little sis is Mari Powers is earth
[🥝]kiwi[🥝] a wolf powers is teleportation and superspeed
Newer pet [❄️]Angel[❄️]a baby pup dog powers:ice and snow
[💀]zero[💀]a demon dragon powers is mind control mind reading lava and flying
[🍓]mandi[🍓]a wolf powers super speed
[📞]disco[📞]raccoon powers potion maker
[🍬]Velvet[🍬]a fox powers:super speed and rain
Crush is august?!
New pets
[🎃]cali[🎃]a wolf no powers yet
[👻]Grey[👻]a wolf powers is super speed and super smell
Stay tune for more videos!
That’s all
Hope you have a great day or night
Whatever you are!
Besties irl-Kassie and Eliahna and Adrian<they the ones with yt>