Hi Guys. Wipe Your Feet before you step inside. I just cleaned the floor.
Wait? Who are you? What outrages things are you doings are you doing on my Channel? Get out of here! Go On! Get out! Get out the lot of you! I dont want strangers walking onto my Channel.
No...wait. Thats not right. Right or left? Right I think. Depends what way your looking. Are you facing me? That looks like your going left to me, but to you your going right.
Hello. Im Owen. Pleased not to meet you. No, pleased to Greet....Pleased to meet you, who ever you are. If I know you, have a biscuit. Have a Jammy Dodger. I would give you one, but I just ate it, so bugger off. I cant say that. Thats rude. OK. Toddle off instead.
My Name is Owen, if you didn't spot by the cheeky wee title at the top of my page.