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LAB Living Abundantly Blessed Ministries

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LAB Ministries is a channel designed to inspire motivate and

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LAB Living Abundantly Blessed Ministries
Posted 4 months ago

Hey hey everybody happy Wednesday. THAT’S RIGHT YOU KNOW WHAT IT IS. IT’S WISDOM WEDNESDAY!!

Hey folks I pray everyone is doing well. I wanted to come by and give us a word of encouragement from the Lord.

Our title for today is “I can do all things through Christ”.

The pictures listed in the post were from a day back in June when Kennedy’s serpentine belt broke on her car. She said ma we can fix it ourselves. I said umm Kennedy I heard that is pretty hard to do. She said well ma let’s just give it a try. So we YouTubed it, got the tools, got down on the ground and got to it. For those of you that know about cars you know how difficult of a task that can be especially to someone who does NOT work on cars regularly.

The first day we tried to fix it so many obstacles came up but we kept trying. After almost 2 1/2 I told Kennedy we have to call it night and somehow try to come up with the money to just pay someone. She said ma let’s just go to bed and try it again tomorrow.

I woke up the next morning went to the auto part start and purchased this part to assist with the process of installing the belt. After another 2 1/2 hours Kennedy and I with the help of my neighbor @diggyman52 coaching us installed a brand new serpentine belt. So many times I wanted to give up during this two day 5 hour process, but I kept calling on the name of Jesus.

You see many of us have experienced this where something seemed so far beyond our reach. If we decided to release our strength and call on the Lord to strengthen us we will find that we can do all things through Christ that strengthens us.

If we look at Moses and the Lord’s request of him to lead his people out of Egypt to the promise land we see how Moses was able to all things through Christ that strengthens him. Moses had a speech impediment and in his own strength he may not have been able to establish this BUT GOD. God sent Moses brother with him to speak for him.

Today I want to encourage us all that no matter the situation BIG or SMALL we can achieve ALL things through Christ that strengthens us.

Blessings ❤️LB

#faith #god #labministries #allthingsthroughchrist #godstrengthens

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LAB Living Abundantly Blessed Ministries
Posted 2 years ago

My family and I went to see my cousin play against the Buffalo Bills in Buffalo some weeks ago. We were all sporting our dolphins gear. As I looked out there was only a handful of people wearing dolphins gear in a stadium full of Buffalo fans. I thought of how proud my family was to show who we were with. It’s time in our walk and in our talk in a world full of people that has forgotten about God that we proudly show who we are with The Lord Jesus Christ.

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