in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Hey everyone, I have been thinking about doing this for a while so I've decided that I'm gonna quit editing, i just don't have any fun in doing it anymore and it felt like a chore to do so, so I'm gonna be posting 1 final video before I take my leave and move on from this era of my life and i want to thank you all for the support over the 2 years I've been editing and especially to all the friends I've made from joining this community @TheRealCrusader @King_Spidey @kingofgodzilla1845 @Speed-Editz @pixyshard @ManUnitedFan. @ManUnitedFanlol @CrimsonGojira-YT @WitheredBonnieisUnderrated @N3m3s1s_Bee_Editz @mr.skelen2 @neoneditz.1s @Sturageon1 @aperschmoo @hni.limura @foinel_wors7879 @dr1fteditz @Eternal66969 @choco_banano7 @NinjaDemon_ @ToEzUltraKing @ToEzScarYT @SageRDebate @oblivious4318 @SoundwaveEditz @K.Goji_Official @gojifan21 @insta_editss @IINSOMNIAXYT @Adrasfr @plokute6758 @Showa_3 @FredrinnEdits @Definitions_am @raadbros @Chillssedits @Copper_and_Zinc @Flixyaep @Fyne-Tune @Imunx_ @-SYNX- @zaideditzz @SmokescreenEdits @dzengazer Thank you all and Take Care
28 - 16
No one hears a word they say 🗣️🗣️🔥