All about culture clash, its dull pain and predicament seen by an EX-Muslim!
As Leon Uris quotes in his book, and he isnt lying because these are the exact words my uncle gave me out of the Koran when I was about 12 years old in one of his men to men morality talks. No wonder my dad stayed away from him, because he was a fanatical outcast in our family and died before he reached 45 years old from most probably religious overdose.
To satisfy blood lust, Muslims then start killing each other for a variety of reasons.
"Before I was nine I had learned the basic canon of Arab life. It was me against my brother; me and my brother against our father; my family against my cousins and the clan; the clan against the tribe; the tribe against the world; and all of us against the infidel...
-- Leon Uris, "The Haj"