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The Dark Side Has Muffins Uploading mostly Warframe content.

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in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Posted 14 hours ago

Reminder that while its almost over the formarian event is an excellent way to farm omega isotopes for helminth bile, especially since baro is selling a resource booster you can use as well. Any mission on the planet the relay is on will have enemies rarely drop them, survival is best and survival fissures are even better if you can snag one.

30 - 3

Posted 1 day ago

The worst kinds of bugs in warframe and the one i get annoyed at the most is bugs from older content that randomly appear due to something they do in later updates. For example daughter randomly talking about her brother the first time you meet (instead of her greet dialogue, this is fixed now) or a music track entirely absent from the sacrifice (2 year old bug, still missing).

It's annoying because it just shows how unstable and complex the game engine is where if DE does something now, something in the previous games content will randomly break. And because its often in quests, DE doesn't even hear about it unless someone new reports the bug when playing the quest for the first time or someone like me who sometimes watches people play see it.

A newer bug in the sacrifice again is ballas and isah appear black silhouettes for the first cutscene, no idea if that one is reported or fixed yet. It's just annoying.

DE releasing something buggy and taking half a year or several years to fix is one thing, but breaking older content is just sad.

35 - 11

Posted 3 days ago

Messing around with Gara in preparation for her shattered lash to be modded she is in a decent state right now, though she still has a ton of problems that wont be fixed with her shattered lash touch up. Allow me to specify what i mean.

She has a couple good things about her that you may or may not know, such as shattered storm being more useful than you think as all enemies that get marked now take 35% extra damage. A minor buff for sure, but it's there. Additionally mending splinters (her healing augment) counts enemies marked by shattered storm so you can heal hundreds of health per second on steel path as long as enemies are marked, letting you health tank.

Secondly, remember how DE stealth buffed acolytes and after 2 seconds of spawning they instantly teleport to you to use their powers? Well Gara's overlooked third ability still confuses them, causing them to ignore you entirely and rush to the center and stare at the mirrors, as well as attack mass vitrify if it's near. This makes it very difficult to justify subsuming out as it nullifies violence apart from rare cases where he will target you instead of the mirrors, which means your 10 minute spamming to get your damage up isn't lost.

I never use gara for damage though so this is where she has issues for me that won't get fixed with this update. For one it takes ages to stack up the damage on her second ability, Splinter Storm, and it can all be lost by falling into a pit or being nullified in any way. Additionally, it's range is pretty short.

Shattered storm also does not take in account any useful scaling so enemies on steel path literally take under 100 damage every second from the ability. What it SHOULD do is add the health of your mass vitrify to the damage that is then spread out, not the high damage you have stored but just the wall itself. This would make way more sense as not only would it actually deal damage, but mass vitrify health scales with enemies it contacts so it would continue to scale up to level cap.

And finally even though her third ability is great for distracting acolytes and farming energy it's very hard to justify this ability. The mirrors should be invincible to damage and simply reflect back enemy damage as true damage, only shattering a mirror if an enemy kills themselves as their reflection is now destroyed. The augment should then have a bonus effect where enemy damage is stored in the mirror so when it shatters it deals more than 5 damage to enemies.

That's just my two cents, i have many builds with gara and all of them are defensive in some way, never damage, and i doubt the changes will change my mind.

42 - 14

Posted 3 days ago


49 - 3

Posted 1 week ago

One day i hope for a quality of life update that lets you toggle warframe custom rolls on and off in settings so every frame just does the basic roll which is easily predictable and easy to control. Half of all custom rolls either slow you down or dont let you do control exactly where you want to go since rolling (almost) always will go where you are trying to aim but some rolls will do a flip or slide to the side instead.

The main reason i dont use dante, and im being completely serious here, is he has by far the worst dodge roll in the entire game. It slows you down and at the end you slow down and lose momentum. It is by far the worst so i try my best to never roll with him and only bullet jump. When using dante i feel like im ice skating next to nuclear bombs that are about to go off at any moment.

33 - 7

Posted 1 week ago

Before you think "omg proto nova darth is gonna be cooming for that!!!" no. I don't care about the proto frames and i think having more is a dumb idea because they are skins 2. Use them if you want though i dont care, i'm just letting you know as the number 1 nova simp i have zero interest in the proto nova.

55 - 29

Posted 1 week ago

You HAVE to be fucking joking. So not only did we lose the ability to mute specific conversations many years ago, but now notifications if someone LIKED a comment of yours is bundled into notifications? Youtube can you actually go fuck yourself??

Now i have to deal with either never seeing if anyone replies to my comments, or see that AND people liking them? Good fucking lord.

46 - 7

Posted 1 week ago

If DE doesn't buff the base stats of pseudo exalts this is who im expecting to be hit the hardest. At the top is the frames i expect will be nerfed the most in terms of damage output from their exalts.

Titania (razorflies potentially, i doubt we will have a modding screen for them but its minor already)

Atlas will be hit the hardest since Landslide has only a 5% crit chance and status chance, so we use incarnons that apply a base of either to actually let it deal damage as raw damage like that is rarely useful without crits or status to back it up. The ragdolling issue i mentioned in another recent post is another reason why it will absolutely suck as currently it's only useful with an incarnon stat stick at full combo to kill enemies before you reach the third punch which throws enemies away out of range of further punches, lowering kill rates significantly.

Gara's shattered lash is in a very similar state to landslide where the only reason it ever does reasonable damage is by adding flat crit or status to it with incarnons as it has 0% chance to crit and 0% chance to deal status. And like Landslide being able to mod it wont make a difference as the 0% won't increase at all from mods. If you also throw in arcane avenger AND piercing roar to apply 5 puncture stacks to enemies this would increase to 70% but even so, that's a lot of effort for an ability nobody uses without incarnon buffs currently, especially since shattered lash also has 1.0 crit multiplier.

Khora does okay damage and being moddable properly will allow it to maybe reach 1 million damage with the help of viral, but a decent amount of her power comes from either incarnons or normal stat stick melee builds since she has enough damage and crits that an incarnon isn't NEEDED unlike Atlas and Gara. She is probably going to be the better off of the three frames.

Titania's razorflies currently use some mods on her exalted melee (i forgot which) to boost their damage, to the point where you can push them to kill enemies on their on in steel path. She technically could be hit really hard as no carry over damage from her exalted melee would mean her razorflies will do no damage, as i doubt DE will let us mod them seperate. Would be awesome if we did since they are weak as hell without boosts and die quickly.

33 - 25

Posted 1 week ago

Ever since youtube changed the held comments to a sorting function instead of it's own section, i have not had one held comment. It's been making me really suspicious as i would get at least 2 or 3 held comments a month, getting none in months is highly suspicious.

I hope nobody is getting their comments auto hidden and deleted by youtube, i would have no way to know or prevent that.

16 - 4

Posted 1 week ago

You know, the update that made frozen enemies able to be ragdolled really fucked over Atlas badly. You literally cannot use his first ability anymore as the third punch will always knock enemies away so you both lose your damage combo but also that time they are flying off to space they cant be punched so his damage cut by well over half.

You can't use khora's ensnare to bypass this either as even ENSARED enemies are able to be ragdolled. Hopefully after the changes they are doing to pseudo-exalts they will also change the third punch on atlas to avoid ragdolling IF the enemy is locked down by being frozen, stoned, or held by ensnare. If they dont, atlas is gonna be fucked.

56 - 14