Vision: Creatively Sharing Encouragement Worldwide
Mission: Touching God's heart by creatively encouraging the world around us through media and God's word.
Creative Encouragement was birthed out of desire to see people connected to God’s word and each other. By hearing and hearing and hearing God’s word over and over again. Scripture will change your life as you meditate and renew your mind. As you renew your mind, your heart will begin to change and therefore your life will take on a new perspective. Need a change in your life? Hear the word, listen to it, receive it and allow it to change you.
Leanna Wilson is the voice over talent on most of the scripture videos. Her background is in radio/television during the 90's and has had a voice over business from her home studio since 2012. Here’s a link to her website: She plans to continue to increase this channel with more encouragement, life, love and ministry for the whole person.