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Agenda National d'Haiti, Ajanda Lakay

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Cyrus Sibert, Journaliste

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in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c

Agenda National d'Haiti, Ajanda Lakay
Posted 1 week ago

CONFUCIUS : Des Leçons prodiguées depuis plus de 2500 ans mais qui font toujours effet en 2025.-

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Agenda National d'Haiti, Ajanda Lakay
Posted 2 weeks ago

MIAMI HERALD / Un jury de Miami déclare le fondateur américain de l'orphelinat Saint Joseph de Delmas 91, en Haïti, coupable d'abus sexuels sur des garçons.-
[Des allĂ©gations d'abus sexuels ont suivi Geilenfeld pendant plus de dix ans. AprĂšs que le journaliste haĂŻtien Cyrus Sibert et le dĂ©fenseur des droits de l'enfant, Paul Kendrick de Freeport, Maine ont lancĂ© une campagne pour le faire arrĂȘter. Geilenfeld et un groupe Ă  but non lucratif de Raleigh, Caroline du Nord, qui soutenait son orphelinat de St. Geilenfeld ont intentĂ© un procĂšs en diffamation devant un tribunal fĂ©dĂ©ral].


Un jury fédéral de Miami a reconnu Michael Karl Geilenfeld, 73 ans, coupable d'avoir abusé sexuellement de six garçons dans un orphelinat qu'il possédait en Haïti.

À 73 ans, Michael Geilenfeld aurait pu conclure un accord de plaidoyer pour rĂ©duire sa peine de prison potentiellement longue sur les accusations fĂ©dĂ©rales d'abus sexuels sur de nombreux garçons en HaĂŻti.

Mais le fondateur américain d'un orphelinat de Port-au-Prince a misé sur un procÚs devant un jury au tribunal fédéral de Miami - et il a perdu.

Le jury, composĂ© de 12 personnes, a dĂ©clarĂ© Geilenfeld coupable, aprĂšs avoir dĂ©libĂ©rĂ© pendant seulement cinq heures jeudi, de six chefs d'accusation pour avoir eu des contacts sexuels illicites avec des mineurs dans un lieu Ă©tranger et d'un chef d'accusation pour s'ĂȘtre rendu de Miami Ă  HaĂŻti dans ce but. Il risque jusqu'Ă  30 ans de prison pour chacun des chefs d'accusation lors de sa condamnation le 5 mai devant le juge du district amĂ©ricain David Leibowitz.

Avant que le procĂšs ne commence avec la sĂ©lection du jury dĂ©but fĂ©vrier, les procureurs ont indiquĂ© au juge Leibowitz qu'ils avaient fait une offre de plaidoyer Ă  Geilenfeld mais que celui-ci l'avait rejetĂ©e, demandant au juge d'en prendre note au cas oĂč l'accusĂ© ferait appel ou attaquerait sa condamnation.

Au cours des trois semaines qu'a duré le procÚs, Geilenfeld a fait face à six de ses accusateurs à la barre des témoins.

Le gouvernement a commencé par le témoignage d'un jeune homme qui avait vécu au foyer St. Il a déclaré que lorsqu'il avait 12 ans, Geilenfeld l'avait amené dans sa chambre pour l'aider à apprendre une priÚre. Mais au lieu de cela, Geilenfeld l'a assis sur une chaise et l'a embrassé sur la bouche, a fait fondre ses parties génitales et a essayé d'avoir des relations sexuelles anales.

« Son pantalon Ă©tait baissĂ© et son pĂ©nis frottait contre mon derriĂšre », a dĂ©clarĂ© l'homme de 28 ans par l'intermĂ©diaire d'un interprĂšte crĂ©ole, prĂ©cisant qu'il l'avait “poussĂ©â€ et qu'il Ă©tait “sorti en courant” de la chambre du propriĂ©taire. Geilenfeld lui a ensuite dit « de n'en parler Ă  personne d'autre », a dĂ©clarĂ© l’homme.

L'homme fait partie des six garçons haĂŻtiens qui ont accusĂ© le fondateur de l'orphelinat de les avoir agressĂ©s sexuellement alors qu'ils rĂ©sidaient Ă  Saint-Joseph entre 2005 et 2010, selon un acte d'accusation dĂ©posĂ© par les procureurs Lacee Monk, Eduardo Palomo et Jessica Urban. Les garçons, qui avaient alors entre 9 et 13 ans, sont aujourd'hui ĂągĂ©s d'une vingtaine d’annĂ©es.


Les procureurs ont dépeint Geilenfeld comme un prédateur qui utilisait ses pouvoirs pour s'attaquer aux garçons haïtiens vulnérables, issus de familles brisées ou sans parents. Geilenfeld, qui a fondé l'orphelinat Saint-Joseph en 1985, offrait aux garçons un abri, une scolarité, des repas, des tùches ménagÚres et des priÚres qui se sont transformés en « cauchemar », ont-ils déclaré.

Les avocats de la dĂ©fense, Raymond D'Arsey Houlihan III et Jean-Pierre Gilbert, ont soutenu que Geilenfeld n'avait abusĂ© d'aucun garçon Ă  St. Joseph's, affirmant que les six victimes mineures citĂ©es dans l'acte d'accusation avaient Ă©tĂ© recherchĂ©es et payĂ©es avec de l'argent et la possibilitĂ© d'obtenir l'asile aux États-Unis.

Joseph's interrogé par les procureurs a expliqué comment Geilenfeld l'avait abusé sexuellement dans la chambre du propriétaire, derriÚre une porte fermée à clé, et qu'il venait témoigner parce que c'était son droit. Il a déclaré qu'il n'avait pas été payé ou qu'aucun avantage ne lui avait été promis pour son témoignage.

« J'avais honte de ce qui m'était arrivé », a déclaré l'homme, rappelant que lorsqu'il a parlé avec d'autres résidents des abus sexuels présumés, il a été poignardé par un garçon de St. Les procureurs ont montré au tribunal une image de la cicatrice que l'homme a laissée aprÚs avoir été poignardé prÚs de sa clavicule gauche.

« Je suis trÚs triste et j'espÚre que justice sera rendue », a-t-il déclaré. « Je suis une victime. C'est mon droit de témoigner ».


L'enquĂȘte fĂ©dĂ©rale sur le passĂ© de Geilenfeld a Ă©tĂ© lancĂ©e par les services de sĂ©curitĂ© intĂ©rieure (Homeland Security Investigations) et rejointe par le FBI, ce qui a conduit Ă  son arrestation en janvier de l'annĂ©e derniĂšre dans le Colorado. Bien que Geilenfeld se soit vu accorder une caution par un juge d'instance pour rester dans une maison de transition, cette dĂ©cision a Ă©tĂ© mise en suspens.

En avril, le juge fĂ©dĂ©ral de Miami, M. Leibowitz, a estimĂ© qu'il ne devait pas ĂȘtre libĂ©rĂ© avant le procĂšs parce qu'il reprĂ©sentait un danger pour la communautĂ© et un risque de fuite vers les CaraĂŻbes.

À ce moment-lĂ , le dossier pĂ©nal amĂ©ricain a changĂ© de maniĂšre significative, les procureurs ayant dĂ©posĂ© un nouvel acte d'accusation accusant Geilenfeld de s'ĂȘtre livrĂ© Ă  un « comportement sexuel illicite » avec des mineurs Ă  l'hĂŽpital Saint-Joseph, en plus de l'accusation initiale de s'ĂȘtre rendu Ă  HaĂŻti dans ce but.

Lors d'une audience sur la détention, les procureurs ont déclaré que Geilenfeld avait « abusé sexuellement de 20 garçons » dans son orphelinat et qu'il les avait ensuite menacés de ne rien dire ou de leur faire du mal.


Les procureurs ont dĂ©clarĂ© que Geilenfeld conservait un dossier contenant des photos de ses victimes prĂ©sumĂ©es d'abus sexuels - une preuve qui a Ă©tĂ© dĂ©couverte par les agents des douanes et de la protection des frontiĂšres des États-Unis en mai 2019, alors que Geilenfeld se rendait en RĂ©publique dominicaine en passant par l'aĂ©roport international de Miami. La sĂ©rie de photos comprenait des photos de quelques-unes des victimes de Geilenfeld citĂ©es dans l'acte d'accusation, selon les procureurs.

Dans les documents judiciaires, les procureurs ont déclaré que Geilenfeld se présentait « comme un missionnaire tout en utilisant sa position et ses privilÚges pour abuser sexuellement de jeunes garçons et dissimuler ses crimes ».

Entre le milieu des annĂ©es 1980 et 2014, M. Geilenfeld a gĂ©rĂ© plusieurs orphelinats en HaĂŻti, dont le foyer Saint-Joseph. Il a Ă©galement ouvert un foyer en RĂ©publique dominicaine aprĂšs s'y ĂȘtre rĂ©fugiĂ© pour Ă©chapper Ă  des allĂ©gations d'abus sexuels en HaĂŻti, oĂč il avait Ă©tĂ© emprisonnĂ© et oĂč une procĂ©dure judiciaire est toujours en cours.

Le gouvernement haïtien a fermé le premier foyer Saint-Joseph à Port-au-Prince en 2014 à la suite de l'arrestation de M. Geilenfeld pour des allégations d'abus sexuels. AprÚs que Geilenfeld a passé un an en prison, soupçonné d'attentat à la pudeur et d'association de malfaiteurs, son affaire a été classée par un juge aprÚs que ses victimes présumées ne se sont pas présentées à une audience clé. Les victimes ont fait appel. Bien qu'il ait été accepté, l'affaire n'a pas encore été rejugée.

Des allĂ©gations d'abus sexuels ont suivi Geilenfeld pendant plus de dix ans. AprĂšs que le journaliste haĂŻtien Cyrus Sibert et le dĂ©fenseur des droits de l'enfant, Paul Kendrick de Freeport, Maine ont lancĂ© une campagne pour le faire arrĂȘter. Geilenfeld et un groupe Ă  but non lucratif de Raleigh, Caroline du Nord, qui soutenait son orphelinat de St. Geilenfeld ont intentĂ© un procĂšs en diffamation devant un tribunal fĂ©dĂ©ral.

Ils ont d'abord obtenu un jugement contre Kendrick, qui vit dans le Maine, mais ce jugement a été annulé pour défaut de juridiction.

Geilenfeld et l'association Ă  but non lucratif ont intentĂ© un second procĂšs devant le tribunal de l'État du Maine. Kendrick a rĂ©glĂ© le litige et son assurance habitation a versĂ© 3,5 millions de dollars Ă  l'association caritative. Geilenfeld a signĂ© un document avec le tribunal rejetant toutes les accusations portĂ©es contre lui sans aucune rĂ©munĂ©ration financiĂšre.

La correspondante du Miami Herald dans les Caraïbes, Jacqueline Charles, a contribué à cet article.

Source : Miami Herald, traduire par le site DeepL

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Agenda National d'Haiti, Ajanda Lakay
Posted 2 weeks ago

MIAMI HERALD / Miami jury finds American founder of Haiti orphanage guilty on federal criminal charges of sexually abusing boys there.-

[Allegations of sexual abuse have followed Geilenfeld for more than a decade. After a children’s rights advocate, Paul Kendrick of Freeport, Maine, and Haitian journalist Cyrus Sibert launched a campaign to have him arrested, Geilenfeld and a Raleigh, North Carolina, nonprofit group that supported his St. Joseph’s orphanage sued for defamation in federal court.]

FEBRUARY 20, 2025

A Miami federal jury found Michael Karl Geilenfeld, 73, guilty of sexually abusing six boys at an orphanage he owned in Haiti.
At 73, Michael Geilenfeld could have cut a plea deal to reduce his potentially long prison sentence on federal charges of sexually abusing numerous boys in Haiti.

But the American founder of a Port-au-Prince orphanage gambled on a jury trial in Miami federal court — and lost.

The 12-person jury found Geilenfeld guilty, after deliberating for only five hours on Thursday, of six counts of engaging in illicit sexual contact with minors in a foreign place and one count of traveling from Miami to Haiti for that purpose. He faces up to 30 years in prison on each of the charges at his May 5 sentencing before U.S. District Judge David Leibowitz.

Before trial started with jury selection in early February, prosecutors told Judge Leibowitz that they made a plea offer to Geilenfeld but he rejected it, asking the judge to note that in case the defendant makes any appeals or attacks on his conviction.

Geilenfeld faced six of his accusers on the witness stand over the three-week trial.

The government opened with the testimony of a young man who had lived at St. Joseph’s Home for Boys. He testified that when he was 12, Geilenfeld brought him into his bedroom to help him learn a prayer. But instead, he said, Geilenfeld sat him down in a chair and kissed him on the mouth, fondled his genitals and tried to have anal sex.

“His pants were down and his penis was rubbing against my behind,” the 28-year-old man testified through a Creole interpreter, saying that he “pushed him” and “ran outside” the owner’s bedroom. Geilenfeld later told him “not to tell anybody else about this,” the man testified.

The man was among six Haitian boys who accused the orphanage founder of sexually abusing them while they resided at St. Joseph’s between 2005 and 2010, according to an indictment filed by prosecutors Lacee Monk, Eduardo Palomo and Jessica Urban. The boys, then between 9 and 13, are now in their 20s.


Prosecutors portrayed Geilenfeld as a predator who used his powers to prey on the vulnerable Haitian boys, who came from broken families or had no parents. Geilenfeld, who founded St. Joseph’s orphanage in 1985, offered the boys a life of shelter, schooling, meals, chores and prayers that turned into a “nightmare,” they said.

Defense attorneys Raymond D’Arsey Houlihan III and Jean-Pierre Gilbert argued that Geilenfeld abused no boys at St. Joseph’s, saying that the six minor victims named in the indictment were recruited and paid off with money and the opportunity of asylum in the United States.

But during his testimony, the first former St. Joseph’s resident questioned by prosecutors detailed how Geilenfeld sexually abused him in the owner’s bedroom behind a locked door and that he was coming forward to testify because it was his right. He said he was not paid or promised any benefit by anyone for his testimony.

“I was ashamed at what had happened to me,” the man testified, recalling that when he talked with other residents about the alleged sexual abuse, he was stabbed by a St. Joseph’s boy close to Geilenfeld. Prosecutors showed an image in court of the man’s scar from the stab wound near his left collarbone.

“I’m very sad and I hope to get justice,” he testified. “I’m a victim. It’s my right to testify.”


The federal investigation into Geilenfeld’s past was launched by Homeland Security Investigations and joined by the FBI, leading to his arrest in January of last year in Colorado.Although Geilenfeld was granted a bond by a magistrate judge to stay in a halfway house, that decision was put on hold.

In April, Leibowitz, the federal judge in Miami, found that he should not be released before trial because he was a danger to the community and a flight risk to the Caribbean.

At that point, the U.S. criminal case changed significantly, with prosecutors filing a superseding indictment accusing Geilenfeld of “engaging in illicit sexual conduct” with minors at St. Joseph’s in addition to the original charge of traveling to Haiti for that purpose.

During a detention hearing, prosecutors said Geilenfeld “sexually abused 20 boys” at his orphanage and then threatened them not to say anything or they would be harmed.


Prosecutors said Geilenfeld kept a dossier with photos of his alleged sexual-abuse victims — evidence that was discovered by U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents in May 2019 when Geilenfeld was traveling through Miami International Airport to the Dominican Republic. The array of photos included pictures of a few of Geilenfeld’s victims cited in the indictment, according to prosecutors.

In court papers, prosecutors said Geilenfeld held “himself out as a missionary while using his position and privilege to sexually abuse young boys and cover up his crimes.”

Between the mid-1980s through 2014, Geilenfeld operated multiple orphanages in Haiti, including the St. Joseph’s home. He also opened a home in the Dominican Republic after fleeing there to escape sexual abuse allegations in Haiti, where he had been jailed and still has a court case pending.

The Haitian government closed the original St. Joseph’s home in Port-au-Prince in 2014 following Geilenfeld’s arrest there over sexual abuse allegations. After Geilenfeld spent a year in jail on suspicion of charges of indecent assault and criminal conspiracy, his case was dismissed by a judge after his alleged victims didn’t appear at a key hearing. The victims filed an appeal. Though it was granted, the case has yet to be retried.

Allegations of sexual abuse have followed Geilenfeld for more than a decade. After a children’s rights advocate, Paul Kendrick, and Haitian journalist Cyrus Sibert launched a campaign to have him arrested, Geilenfeld and a Raleigh, North Carolina, nonprofit group that supported his St. Joseph’s orphanage sued for defamation in federal court.

They initially won a judgment against Kendrick, who lives in Maine, but that was later vacated due to a lack of jurisdiction.

A second lawsuit was filed in state court in Maine by Geilenfeld and the nonprofit. Kendrick settled and his homeowner’s insurance policies paid the charity $3.5 million. Geilenfeld signed a document with the court dismissing all charges against him with no financial remuneration.

Miami Herald Caribbean correspondent Jacqueline Charles contributed to this story.

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Agenda National d'Haiti, Ajanda Lakay
Posted 2 weeks ago

UN chief tells Caribbean leaders he’s ready to present Haiti security plan.-

By Jacqueline Charles Updated February 20, 2025

BRIDGETOWN, BARBADOS Months after Haiti filed a formal request for the return of blue-helmet United Nations peacekeepers to help fight criminal armed gangs, the head of the world agency said he is ready to present a proposal to the U.N. Security Council.

But Secretary-General António Guterres’ request doesn’t appear to be an endorsement of a traditional peacekeeping mission, the last of which ended in Haiti in 2017 after 13 years. Instead, Guterres’ plan is more of a hybrid that takes into account the current Kenya-led Multinational Security Support mission and its partial financing through a U.N.-controlled trust fund.

Speaking at the opening ceremony of the 48th annual meeting of the 15-member regional bloc known as CARICOM in Barbados, Guterres said he will soon present to the Security Council a proposal similar to one the U.N. has in Somalia where a U.N. authorized forced led by the African Union has been fighting al-Shabaab since 2007. The goal is to give a much needed boost to the struggling security response in Haiti where armed gangs now control up to 90% of the capital.

The plan, he said as he went off script from prepared remarks, is one in which “the U.N. assumes the responsibility of the structural and logistical expenditures that are necessary to put the force in place, and the salaries of the force are paid through the trust fund that already exists.”

“If the [Security Council] accepts the proposal, we’ll have the conditions to finally have an effective force to defeat the gangs in Haiti and create the conditions for democracy to thrive,” Guterres said during his address that called on Caribbean leaders to unite to address the climate crisis and other issues.

Funding for the multinational mission has not amounted to what was either expected or promised, and the lack of resources has hampered the force’s ability in Haiti to stop the violence and expansion of gangs that control key routes in and out of the capital, have forced more than a million to flee their homes and left six million people in need of humanitarian assistance.

After providing more than $600 million — the lion’s share of the funding —to support the Kenya-led mission, the Biden administration last year moved to have the mission transformed into a formal U.N. peacekeeping operation to address the shortfall. Instead of relying on the good will of donors, the administration wanted the funding to be guaranteed by having the money come from the assessed contributions of U.N. member states. Though the return of peacekeepers has widespread support in the region and on the Security Council, Guterres is a known critic of peacekeeping missions, and on the council both China and Russia have both balked at the idea.

Neither nation has contributed to the mission’s trust fund, which thus far has raised just over $100 million.

In November, after weeks of negotiations between Beijing and Washington failed, the Security Council agreed to send a letter to Guterres asking him to provide “a full range of options” for U.N. support in Haiti.

His proposal comes amid uncertainty about whether the Trump administration would support changing the mission into a U.N. peacekeeping operation, and on whether the proposal would deal with the current gaps in the mission’s operations. Also unclear is whether Russia and China would back the idea now that the U.N. would not be shouldering the full financial burden.

Guterres’ proposal is due by Feb. 28. A report released on the current political and gang crisis in Haiti by the International Crisis Group noted that given the current challenges in Haiti, any changes to the mission would likely need levels of uniformed personnel comparable to the former U.N. Stabilization Mission in Haiti, which at its peak had approximately 7,000 military troops and 2,000 police officers.
The report noted that even if the Haitian national police and international forces receive financial and logistical support, “it seems highly unlikely that gangs, which have amassed so much power, can be pushed back from most of the densely populated areas they hold in a few months.”

Guterres is among several special guests attending the three-day gathering of Caribbean heads of government. The security crisis in Haiti, a member country, as well as the changing geopolitical landscape and the climate crisis were repeatedly mentioned by speakers

“The exquisite beauty of the Caribbean is famed the world over. But there is trouble in paradise,” Guterres said, calling for the region to unite. “Wave after wave of crisis is pounding your people and your islands — with no time to catch your breath before the next disaster strikes.”

There are three key areas where, together, they must drive progress, Guterres said, mentioning unifying for peace and security “particularly to address the appalling situation in Haiti, where gangs are inflicting intolerable suffering on a desperate and frightened people.”

As he and other spoke in Bridgetown, hundreds of miles away in Port-au-Prince panic was spreading through several neighborhoods amid fears that armed groups were once more on the move to attack neighborhoods.

Both the outgoing and incoming chair of the Caribbean Community addressed the situation in Haiti and said it remains a priority for the regional bloc.

“The Haitian people must be at the center of all that we reflect upon,” said Mia Mottley, the prime minister of Barbados and chair of CARICOM.

“Their situation continues to be of major concern to us, and it is not going to be sufficient just to be able to say that Haiti will have an election on Nov. 15. It is not going to be sufficient to just stabilize the security situation,” she said, referring to the date the head of the country’s transitional council recently proposed for elections.

This story was originally published February 20, 2025 at 8:56 AM.

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Agenda National d'Haiti, Ajanda Lakay
Posted 3 weeks ago

ProcĂšs de l’assassinat du prĂ©sident Jovenel MoĂŻse : La Cour d’appel de Port-au-Prince.

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Agenda National d'Haiti, Ajanda Lakay
Posted 4 weeks ago

Lettre de Martine Moise au Président Donald Trump.

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Agenda National d'Haiti, Ajanda Lakay
Posted 4 weeks ago

Kendrick Lamar !!!! Super Bowl HalfTime Show.

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Agenda National d'Haiti, Ajanda Lakay
Posted 4 weeks ago

Un amĂ©ricain d’origine HaĂŻtienne Lewis Cine a remportĂ© dimanche soir le #SuperBowlLIX avec la formation @Eagles de Philadelphia qui a surclassĂ© les @Chiefs 40-22. @LewisCineHOF est nĂ© en HaĂŻti en 1999 ,il est aujourd’hui champion de @NFL aux Etats-Unis .đŸ‡ș🇾🇭đŸ‡č👏👏👏👏 #RFMINFO

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Agenda National d'Haiti, Ajanda Lakay
Posted 4 weeks ago

Koute emisyon saaaa. Madam Nadia !!!

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