Hello friends and welcome to my "basement concert series"! A very long time ago when I was about 15 years old I started singing and playing guitar in a band and all of our rehearsals were in the basement of my friend Dave's house. We spent hours practicing the three songs we knew. We didn't have a PA so I sang through an old traffic cone. Later on, as I got older, the bands I was in always seem to end up in a basement. Either a basement rehearsing, the basement of a house party, a fraternity basement, or the basement of a bar in D.C. Now, a couple of decades have passed, kids have been raised and bills have been paid, and I find myself alone in my basement playing music. There is probably some deep and philosophical truth buried in that, but life it too short to spend all your time digging for it - especially when you already have a nice dry basement to play in.
Papa R