=============== Acerca do Canal || About the Channel ===============
=============== VersĂŁo Portuguesa===============
Oi galera nos somos os Corruption_Ones!
Acho que maioria dos vĂdeos seria de fnaf, mas podem dar sugestĂľes.
Falamos portugues e inglĂŞs, mas os videos serĂŁo em inglĂŞs, mas nĂŁo tem problema colocarem perguntas.
TambĂŠm teremos uma sĂŠrie da famĂlia afton, por isso fiquem atentos!
=============== English Version ===============
Hi guys, we are the Corruption_Ones I think most would be from fnaf but you can give suggestions. We speak Portuguese and English, but the videos will be in English, but it's okay to ask questions. We will also have a series from the afton family, so stay tuned.
=============== Fim || End ===============