WELCOME! This is the YouTube channel of poet, songwriter/singer Kelly Joe Ray. My friends and family all asked me to do this so here it is. You get what you see.
I guess if you have to put it in a box or give it a label...I would call this style of music "Americana" or "Folk"...Mostly these are just poems I wrote to pass the time while at sea on a Submarine and while serving in the Submarine community for 20 years...I try to write about American Life. My life and things people can relate to.
I sometimes partner with long time friend and Bandmate from The Carolina Moon Band and Pinker T. Brown Band... Don Butcher and his wife Anne. Look for more videos to come as Don and I figure this thing out...I'll also be posting my original songs recorded with The Crazy Cousin Band and The Tower Swamp as soon as I can nuke that out...(X~D)
For copies of my CD's or Band CD's contact me at kellyjoeray@gmail.com, on twitter @kellyjoeray or facebook www.facebook.com/kellyjoeray