New musical project formed by the post rock / math rock band, LITE and DE DE MOUSE, an electronic DJ and producer, Fake Creators is a group of creators pushing the boundaries of music with their ethos of individuality and originality.
Integrating elements from hip-hop, dub, grime and footwork to chill and jungle, they create a unique blend of mystifying psychedelic rock by reimagining LITE’s edgy sounds combined with DE DE MOUSE’s overwhelming physical beats.
Stemming from their live touring experience all over the world, Fake Creators are now ready to embark on a new form of expression, armed with a fierce and emotional mutated soundscape.
エモーショナルで鋭利なポストロック / マスロックで世界を渡り歩くLITEと、唯一無二なフューチャーリスティックサウンドとカットアップヴォイスで、ダンスミュージックの枠を超えて影響を与え続けるDÉ DÉ MOUSEによるニュープロジェクトであり、個性と独創性をモットーにしたクリエイター集団。