Howdy! I’m a Dallas singer/songwriter with autism as well as fibromyalgia, arthritis, depression as well as narcolepsy with cataplexy, a rare sleep disorder that’s very well misunderstood. I think that people with disabilities are superheroes because we have to push so much harder to get the same amount of goals done with the same amount of time and our families are there to support us, but our we also affect their lives greatly, and I know the stress and health can be sometimes overwhelming being the parent of a awesome daughter with autism as well. I’m making the world a better place through my music.
I write my own lyrics and melodies. to demonstrate how sleeping and autoimmune disease . My passion is changing the status quo about disability and social justice. I do many genres and some cute sexy songs too. However my Primary Passion The best way to bust harmful incorrect misconceptions and stereotypes is thru pop culture , changing the ♥️s of the people.