Within the last years, the 2 gentlemen Marc Wolf and Fritz Wagner, have been able to build a reputation within the international music industry out of their hometown Kiel. With releases on Tale of Us’ Afterlife Recordings, Monkey Safari’s Hommage, Damian Lazarus’ Crosstown Rebels and their own label Empore, their works have found support by many of the dance music industry’s renowned artists.
Major influences for their music emerge from their duality:
While both unite as instrumentalists, their approaches to search and experiment in jams differ significantly: Marc, being the designated and longstanding DJ, not only draws inspiration from playing and digging for music but also from his self-taught experiences as a drummer and guitarist; Fritz as an autodidact of piano is always interested in improving his skills, spending nights reading about music theory and composing to use later on. In the studio, they combine both worlds, eagerly working on new Avidus material whenever they can...