香港警務處「反詐騙協調中心」設有二十四小時「防騙易熱線18222」,為市民提供有關騙案的即時諮詢服務。本中心亦會透過不同平台適時發放最新防騙資訊及警示,協助市民預防騙案。大家可以瀏覽中心的專屬網頁, 接收最新的防騙資訊。
To step up combat actions against deception and increase public awareness of various kinds of scams, the Hong Kong Police Force set up the Anti-Deception Coordination Centre (ADCC) under the Commercial Crime Bureau with a view to consolidating all the relevant efforts of the Force in fighting and preventing the crime. You can visit ADCC’s official website to receive the latest anti-scam information.