Just here making Playlists. Growing up in England. The 1970s. We had privet hedges and only 3 TV channels. Hot summers, snow in winter and no such thing as Central Heating. We bought 'screwballs' and 'jubilees' from the Ice Cream van and we drank Alpine Pop. Ahh, and then we became teenagers... and soon club nights like the Blitz were playing interesting music and featuring 'interesting' people. In Birmingham too there were important clubs like The Rum Runner and places like The Hostaria wine bar. Music came first in the 1970s. It was a way of finding an identity. A way to meet others who were 'the same'. This music is dedicated to the greatest DJ of them all; SIR John Peel and also to Marilyn who, one way or another, has just kept on getting into trouble... ps. I'll get you a coffee one of these days. In Paris.