Serandip Records is a Sri Lankan based independent media group that provides full-service artist management solutions/ Music Publishing for a variety of music business clients.
Serandip Records was founded by Prathap Costa and Sandun Nissanka. Hailing from the hill capital, Kandy, COSTA, has turned into more or less a household name with the Sinhala & English Hip Hop/Rap Music community in Sri Lanka. Sandun is a Serial Entrepreneur from California, he has a broader knowledge of Intelligence and business development. Executive Producer, David Luchow has worked with leading artists and record labels based in England, Germany, Switzerland, Netherlands, United States, Australia, Sri Lanka & Japan to produce / mix/master great music. Chief Financial Officer, Thiruna Fernando is a Los Angeles based individual that wears many hats. Although he is a payroll specialist by trade, his greatest expertise revolves in the worlds of music and design.