Founded in 1978 and located in St. Louis, Missouri, The Diamond Family has been blessed to serve its clientele with the highest quality merchandise our industry offers, and at the most competitive pricing. We believe in an educated customer and as an accredited Master IJO Jeweler, we pride ourselves in teaching couples everything there is to know about diamonds BEFORE you purchase, in a zero pressure environment. We are one on only 800 Masters IJO Jewelers in the world currently. Rocky Haddad and his boys, Michael & Alex operate the showroom and Anthony handles PR and Marketing. A full staff is always willing and able to help with any repair, service, sales questions. We are all about having fun and we understand that your milestones of life only come once. Let us help you celebrate the right way and enjoy doing it! Thank you for visiting and watching these videos, if you have an idea for a video, please let us know!! That means others probably need to learn more about that topic also!